bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 3, 2011......hello Sun, Hello blue sky!

The sun is shining, the sun is shining! We have had an unusually long period of time in the clouds. it is nice to see the sun and blue sky too!

Here in Upper bucks we have 15 inches of snow, perfectly preserved under an inch of ice. If you stick to the paths that are compacted, you can slip and slide along during the dog walks. but.... if you venture off the path, you break through the crust and sink up to your knees. It is going to take a long time and a lot of warm weather to get rid of this amount of snow!

The little girls are finally able to walk on top of the snow, but Juliette is still heavy enough to sink and while she loves to be out.. she does not particularly like the deep snow.

We (the girl dogs and I) are having a spa day today.  All the dogs are getting to spend time (just an hour) on the enclosed back porch. While facing north and no sun, it is still out of the wind and snow.  they can chase each other around and burn off some of the energy they have stored up from all the staying quiet  inside.  after  a snack, they will go onto the front porch and  enjoy the sun and the warmth.  It is a degree or 2 shy of 80 degrees out there, thanks to the sun. while the girls are out back i have the house door open to take advantage of the warm air now drifting  into the livingroom,.  An excellent way to keep the house warm, and not use  any fuel.

What a nice day even though it is still very cold.

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