bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Friday, December 10, 2010

The cold continues....

It is just too early for this bitter cold!  It is not even winter as yet.  Every night is colder than the last. 10 degrees when i walked dogs at 2 a.m. even they did not want to stay out long.  With this intense cold, I can only hope we are getting it now, and will have a more seasonal, reasonable winter in January and  February. well ....i can Hope!

 New bed coming today and bedroom must be cleaned and in order for the arrival.  I still need some nice flannel sheets too.  With the clutter control and letting go of things that have not been looked at or noticed for a few years now,  I have been  making trips to salvation army with donations. best to load the car as i have a container of stuff and get it out before i change my mind.  i know i am not the only one lightening the load, as there is a line of cars making donations every time i stop in and i had stopped 3 times this week.

I spend an enormous amount of time thinking about what i would like to do.  In reality that is about all i have time to do... think about it.  One of the things i have been thinking about is baking.  My mom would spend a day or two, with or without sister/sister-in-laws help and bake. i mean bake up a storm and have 3 huge trays of cookies to make up smaller dishes for friends and neighbors.  As youngsters, My brother Vince and i would play the run around the table game.  After each lap, we would reward ourselves with a cookie.... until mom caught on and ended the game.

My mom went all out and baked many many different types of cookies. i tend to bake what gives me a large yield and just 2 or 3 types.  I will have to look up my favorites and post. After all what is a holiday without desserts and cookies are just perfect for  holiday sharing.

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