bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3nd day of May

When i was still into planting bulbs i spent some time trying for tulips.  i  love them, the variety of color and shape but they do not survive long here.   Mice, moles and voles love the bulbs.  after planting and replanting i gave up on tulips.   In one area, i  did plant a few botanical tulips.  These are the original tulips before they were hybridized.  I have quite a few that come up, but only one flowers.  Another... 'just one'.  Here it is growing in a bed of pulmonaria::

Here is some info on botanical tulips.

Species Tulips (Botanical Tulips)

Species Tulips are the uncut diamonds of Tulips. Un-hybridized and uncultivated, they have a raw beauty and a tough constitution. Most are small. Some are tiny. Many, given the right conditions, will spread like wildfire, just as they still do over mountainsides and steppes in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Despite this, they are only now becoming widely available to gardeners - although they have long been coveted by collectors and enthusiasts, who tend to favor them over hybrids.

Unlike other Tulip Groups, Species Tulips are not defined by their flowering times, which may be anytime between February and May.

Species Tulip are also sometimes called Botanical Tulips.

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