bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Friday, May 13, 2011

2nd week of May

I have been spending time outside the last few days. One day was just picking up branches and twigs that would get stuck in the lawn mower.  Trimmed a bush that encroached on the front walk and a fall blooming mum that just got too large for the area it was in.

One of the parts of the clean up that i hate is the long walk to dispose of the trimmings.   Leaves and weeds can go directly into the compost pile on the other side of the veggie garden, not so long a walk.  Branches and woody debris have to be moved much further.  I have a huge pile of woody stuff on the other side of the barn.  An area  always difficult to get to, but an area we do not use and cannot really see.    a large pile along the property line on the east side, which i hate to add to because we walk near there but it is close.  there is another huge area of woody debris along the back end of the property too. What can you do with it that is better for the environment? making homes for the wildlife seems to be the best idea.

while doing a little clean up of left over leaves and  weeding the gardens, I have to marvel at what has survived winter and what looks to be thriving.  The long winter of  snow covered earth must have been good for the perennials. everything  looks to have increase in size and vigor this spring.

One project i have been thinking about for years and procrastinating for too long is on the way to being finished. i was able to cut down a bush with thorny branches that was almost totally inundated with crazy vines. Andrew helped me dig out what was left, and i have done quite a lot to remove the periwinkle in that area also.   so far i installed a hydrangea moved from an over crowed Hosta garden bed. Transplanted the 3 clumps of speckled violets. I am hoping to finish clearing what is left and after adding more soil, some summer flowering plants will be on the agenda.

It has been a fair amount of work, but not too hard.  A nice way to spend time outside.

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