bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Sunday, May 29, 2011

memorial weekend 2011

Where does the time go??? we had one week, mid month, with the most perfect weather.  Each days highs reached in the low to mid 70's with  low humidity  it was a dream for gardening.  I made the most of every one of those days spending hours outside from early to late and getting things accomplished. 

From near perfect weather, there was a gradually change  to very warm with humidity creeping upwards to make it less and less comfortable to work outside, especially in the sun.  I don;t have the stamina or interest to do too much outside during the high humidity so i am falling behind.

Hard to believe that the last frost day, just 25 years ago, was May 31st. Now it is changed to May 15.  While we used to have unusual heat waves in  the beginning to mid June, now they arrive in May.  Global warming? climate change?

 During this mornings dog walk, i marveled at the trees that are now almost totally in leaf.   The changing landscape, now in shade.  Also the wild roses are in bloom. They scented the air with the most wonderful perfume.  it always reminds me of sun tan lotion for some reason.  What a joy to take a walk and be wrapped in sights and scents of the day.

wild roses.

Friday, May 13, 2011

2nd week of May

I have been spending time outside the last few days. One day was just picking up branches and twigs that would get stuck in the lawn mower.  Trimmed a bush that encroached on the front walk and a fall blooming mum that just got too large for the area it was in.

One of the parts of the clean up that i hate is the long walk to dispose of the trimmings.   Leaves and weeds can go directly into the compost pile on the other side of the veggie garden, not so long a walk.  Branches and woody debris have to be moved much further.  I have a huge pile of woody stuff on the other side of the barn.  An area  always difficult to get to, but an area we do not use and cannot really see.    a large pile along the property line on the east side, which i hate to add to because we walk near there but it is close.  there is another huge area of woody debris along the back end of the property too. What can you do with it that is better for the environment? making homes for the wildlife seems to be the best idea.

while doing a little clean up of left over leaves and  weeding the gardens, I have to marvel at what has survived winter and what looks to be thriving.  The long winter of  snow covered earth must have been good for the perennials. everything  looks to have increase in size and vigor this spring.

One project i have been thinking about for years and procrastinating for too long is on the way to being finished. i was able to cut down a bush with thorny branches that was almost totally inundated with crazy vines. Andrew helped me dig out what was left, and i have done quite a lot to remove the periwinkle in that area also.   so far i installed a hydrangea moved from an over crowed Hosta garden bed. Transplanted the 3 clumps of speckled violets. I am hoping to finish clearing what is left and after adding more soil, some summer flowering plants will be on the agenda.

It has been a fair amount of work, but not too hard.  A nice way to spend time outside.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

finally a string of warm days.

Every year, I am amazed to see what flowers and wild plants are coming up. I don't take for granted that what bloomed  last year will return again this year.  I always see lots of areas for improvement.  Improving the likelihood that plants will flourish not just return with the one bloom.

We had a lot of trees trimmed in the back yard late last fall and hopefully with more sunlight everything will be happier. i was not looking for full sun but lighter shade. lighter shade also means less bugs and mosquitoe more time for outside and more little gardens.

The last frost date is fast approaching.... May 15.  When we moved here 30 years ago the last frost date was May 31.   Probably still wise to wait till the end of May  to plant tender veggies. But this is the time everyone is getting anxious to get outside.

The spring has been crazy weather wise.   In the last few weeks, one hot muggy day is followed by cool temps.  Back and forth.  Hot one minute.  Cold the next.   Heat on.   Heat off.  While it has remained cool overnight it has been pleasant during the day for the last 3 days.    Just into the high 60's and the low 70's in the next few days.  Perfect weather for working outside.

My thoughts are always so scattered as far as what needs to be done and what i want to do. i keep trying to make a plan to get the most accomplished in a day.  While it sounds great to take a few early morning hours to work outside.. it is  still too cool to spend too much time outside early.  walking dogs and then back home to have some coffee & breakfast,  read the paper and straighten up. by 10 it should be warming up enough to head back out. but for now..... coffee and newspaper.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3nd day of May

When i was still into planting bulbs i spent some time trying for tulips.  i  love them, the variety of color and shape but they do not survive long here.   Mice, moles and voles love the bulbs.  after planting and replanting i gave up on tulips.   In one area, i  did plant a few botanical tulips.  These are the original tulips before they were hybridized.  I have quite a few that come up, but only one flowers.  Another... 'just one'.  Here it is growing in a bed of pulmonaria::

Here is some info on botanical tulips.

Species Tulips (Botanical Tulips)

Species Tulips are the uncut diamonds of Tulips. Un-hybridized and uncultivated, they have a raw beauty and a tough constitution. Most are small. Some are tiny. Many, given the right conditions, will spread like wildfire, just as they still do over mountainsides and steppes in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Despite this, they are only now becoming widely available to gardeners - although they have long been coveted by collectors and enthusiasts, who tend to favor them over hybrids.

Unlike other Tulip Groups, Species Tulips are not defined by their flowering times, which may be anytime between February and May.

Species Tulip are also sometimes called Botanical Tulips.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hello May 2011


May 1

Beltane is a Celtic festival which signals the beginning of the bright half of the year. Beltane may be translated as "fires of Bel" or "brilliant fire" and is name after the god Belenus.
The festival begins on Beltane Eve with two bonfires started from nine different woods. Domestic animals and people pass between the bonfires to eliminate disease and misfortune. In the days before electricity, the bonfire was used to light brands which rekindled lights throughout households in the village. Ancient Beltane festivals customarily included sexuality, dancing around the maypole, and singing.
Modern pagan celebrations include maypole dances and jumping the cauldron for fertility purposes. Fertility in this sense is extended beyond reproduction and includes fertility of imagination and other similar concepts.

All-heal, blessed thistle, broom, curry, daffodil, dogwood, coriander, dragon's blood reed, fern, fireweed, nettle, flaxseed, hawthorn, marjoram, paprika, radish, rue, snapdragon, mushroom, almond, meadowsweet, rose, woodruff, tansy, elder leaves.

Malachite, garnet, rose quartz, emerald, beryl, tourmaline.