bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

january 26, 2011-surprise weather!

Snow Snarls Commute With Early Arrival

PHILADELPHIA - Part one of today's Nor'easter arrived several hours earlier than expected, bringing snow to much of the Philadelphia Pa area. Several inches or more could fall in many areas before the storm switches back to rain after 11 a.m.  Accumulations could run between 2 inches and 4 inches this morning, before the changeover this afternoon.  Part 2 of the storm arrives Wednesday night, where 5 to 10 inches of snow could hit Philadelphia and 4 to 8 inches for most of the area outside Philadelphia.-fox news 1-26-2011


The weather forecasters, up and down the east cost missed the weather mark by 2 miles today.  The snow storm that was supposed to start later today arrived before 5;30 here in the upper reaches of the county and by 8;30 has dropped 2+ inches of the white stuff  and up to 4+ inches in some of the south and west Philly suburbs.  Mother nature is sure having a chuckle today!

Traffic is moving slowly on 313.  Heading southeast toward Doylestown, it is snowing much harder and more accumulation is expected.  This is one of the best times to live on the state highway. a real 'window on the world'  traffic wise.

Hubby has a meeting at the office with west coast executives, so while he left at 5;30, and came home at 6, he is off again, fortified with a little more sleep, water, extra food and a blanket.   He can stay at a co-workers house in central bucks if he cannot make it home later today.

Gotta love the idea of technology vs nature... and nature won today!


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