bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Four Footed Foodie

Juliette is quite bright for a dog. Hubby and i say she is very much like a 3 year old child. she can do almost anything if the word "TREAT" is used in the sentence.

"go get my shoe". 
she will walk around the dining room table and come back with nothing. But add the treat word...
"get my shoe and I'll give you a treat".. and she will fetch all the shoes she can find, and all the magazines within reach. After each delivery she  will run to the kitchen where the treats are kept.  The longer it takes to retrieve  the matching set, the more frustrated and excited she gets.. and will sometimes chase the cat inbetween looking for the other shoe.

My sister was kind enough to send Christmas treats for the three dogs and 2 cats along with our presents.
I hung the dog bone wreath while I looked at our gifts. Juliette was just so enamored of that wreath. She sat quietly gazed up at it and whined. I  was lucky enough to catch a few Photo's of her taking matters into her own paws.


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