bucks county

bucks county
farm field

Monday, January 31, 2011

january 31, 2011

Richland township barn

another view of the gazebo and pond.

monday , the last day of january, 2011

our neighbors on the road behind us.
Hubby took the camera on a cross country ski trek.  This is one of the shots he got.
Once the camera batter recharges i will post more.

wrapping up the end of the month...monday

Even the little fish pond is inundated with snow.

wrapping up the end of the month

As i  note, it is not always the road that causes the driving  problem but more often, it is the treacherous walk   from the kitchen door, down the back steps and walk.  Then getting to the car and  from the driveway to the highway.     Add the fact that everyone of us is getting older, making slippery walks and driveways more serious than when we were young.  ...Country living....what can ya do!

Well, this last day of the month of January 2011  is mostly over. while it was cold, only in the 20's, the enclosed front porch was a cozy 74+.   i sat outside with the dogs and did a little sewing while i waited for a friend.  Finally had to come in as i had a black sweat shirt on, and was getting overheated.

The bad weather is about to return, but first, some photo's from around the house.

stalactite ice cycles

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011... the month is almost at an end

Saturday, the 29th was my monthly sewing bee meeting.  By mid week we had talked back and forth several times about canceling because of the weather. The predicted light snow fall started way after noon.  By 4 p.m. the ground had a light coating but nothing more alarming.  Just a cold, cloudy day in a warm home with friends.

Since Carol allows us to use her sewing studio, we have been trying to take turns bringing lunch.  I picked up fabulous hoagies from the Italian deli, and a nice macaroni salad. we had chips, fruit juice, coffee & tea and carol baked a wonderful Baily's Irish cream cheese cake. Yum-O! as Rachael Ray would say.  We do a lot of  eating and laughing at these get-togethers. some even do  sewing.

This meeting, there was lots of talk about our upcoming sewing retreat. 3 days of sewing, eating, sewing, talking, and more sewing.  i LOVE  spending so much time with girlfriends. no phone calls to take, or wash to do, or anything to distract from the sharing that women enjoy.  This is the 2nd year we are staying at camp ONAS, in the Ottsville area, which is probably central bucks.  camp onas is a quaker summer camp. 73 acres of quiet and fabulous views. and if you need a break from sewing, there is always hiking and checking out the resident farm animals, the pig and the donkey. it is just a nice break from everyday, and for some of us our only vacation.  There are 11 of us attending this year. 8 from last year and three new campers.  Should be fun.

We are all soooooo looking forward to our weekend away in the country.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29th 2011. the last saturday.

Friday  i took an impromptu trip to  a sewing center in New Britain, which is just outside of Doylestown, Maybe a dozen miles from here.  It was unplanned but enjoyable. Getting out of the house, not having to drive and having some gal pal company made for a nice change.

It's been awhile since i have been to this particular store. while I love the owner and enjoy the store I have been working hard NOT to add anything more to my overstocked sewing supplies  and i had an issue with one of her employees.  I left in a quiet snit, which has lasted at least some 4 years now.  anyway...... the store has been reorganized, and while there was some new and interesting fabrics and kits it was basically the same. The owner came out to say Hi and it was nice to see her again.  My friend who was shopping for the first time enjoyed the store and will probably become a repeat customer.

New Britain and Doylestown is located in central bucks to my Upper bucks location. The road signs say 13 miles to Doylestown, so we are not talking about hours of driving to get there.  BUT the difference in the landscape was surprising to me.

I did not notice it till we were on the way home and my friend mentioned how much less snow was on the roadsides and farm fields.  Must have been a lot of melting in the 2 1/2 hours we were in the store.   As we drove up hill and down dale, i could see West  as far as  Ridge road, a high point on the state highway. It looked suspiciously gray and foggy.  It was snowing lightly, just as it had been when we started our trek.    The weak sun, in evidence east of the ridge was no where to be seen west of it.  Once we crossed Ridge road, the landscape was very  different.  the amount of snow was as we left.. high along the road sides, lawns and fields.   Driveways peeking out between walls of snow way over a foot high.  The accumulated snow here is 15 inches and what has been plowed or shoveled adds even  more height to the walls of snow.

Flurries all day & evening Friday.  Flurries  Saturday afternoon.   Now a break for a few days.  more accumulating snow on Tuesday Wednesday.



Bad enough we have to watch reruns on tv, now... re runs of the weather!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

jan 27th, 2011....... snow is over..... for now

side yard, bird feeder

side yard more bird feeders

hummingbird feeders used for decoration on magnolia tree

temperature on the front porch

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

january 26, 2011 The surprise weather continues.....more photo's

Ultra Violet

Violet and lily

some of the flamingo's

january 26, 2011 The surprise weather continues.....

still snowing lightly.   Photo's to enjoy!

Two Carolina Wrens enjoying suet.

Indian relic building with bird houses.  See the snow covered horses?

St. Francis and his wolf.

january 26, 2011-surprise weather!

Snow Snarls Commute With Early Arrival

PHILADELPHIA - Part one of today's Nor'easter arrived several hours earlier than expected, bringing snow to much of the Philadelphia Pa area. Several inches or more could fall in many areas before the storm switches back to rain after 11 a.m.  Accumulations could run between 2 inches and 4 inches this morning, before the changeover this afternoon.  Part 2 of the storm arrives Wednesday night, where 5 to 10 inches of snow could hit Philadelphia and 4 to 8 inches for most of the area outside Philadelphia.-fox news 1-26-2011


The weather forecasters, up and down the east cost missed the weather mark by 2 miles today.  The snow storm that was supposed to start later today arrived before 5;30 here in the upper reaches of the county and by 8;30 has dropped 2+ inches of the white stuff  and up to 4+ inches in some of the south and west Philly suburbs.  Mother nature is sure having a chuckle today!

Traffic is moving slowly on 313.  Heading southeast toward Doylestown, it is snowing much harder and more accumulation is expected.  This is one of the best times to live on the state highway. a real 'window on the world'  traffic wise.

Hubby has a meeting at the office with west coast executives, so while he left at 5;30, and came home at 6, he is off again, fortified with a little more sleep, water, extra food and a blanket.   He can stay at a co-workers house in central bucks if he cannot make it home later today.

Gotta love the idea of technology vs nature... and nature won today!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the last tuesday in january 2011 continues

While out running errands, The tiny screw that holds my lenses in the frame let go (again) and the lens popped out.  i was  moving from one parking lot to another to finish my purchases when this happened.  I stopped,  I froze.... what to do.   before horns started to blare i decided  to finish my move to another spot and see if i could effect a repair once parked again.  As i was moving to the new space,  the screw also popped out.  you know, those tiny screws you almost need a magnifying glass to see in the first place?  So i parked, and very gingerly brushed myself off hoping the screw would fall onto the seat. hmmmm... i could not see it.  No surprise there...try looking for a tiny screw and keeping one eye closed.   I quickly realized it was a lost cause and started to look for an alternative.   I had no glass fixing kit in the car.  I did find a paper clip but it was just a little too thick to fit through both holes.   my next thought was for a twistie tie.  strip the paper  and use the thin wire to hold the 2 pieces together.  no twistie tie.

i had two stops left  to make. GNC nutritional store, which was where i parked and salvation army to unload my car with more items for donation.  I decided to run into the GNC and forget about salvation army as that would   require pulling out into traffic and driving  on 309 in heavy  traffic.  The GNC store was not too difficult.  The fellow that works there was kind enough to find the Stevia and ring me up while i mentioned my glasses were not quite up to speed.

The drive home was uneventful, but i was developing a headache and finding it difficult to concentrate as everything looked so strange.... clear and fuzzy all at the same time.

Once home i unearthed an eye glass fixing kit and found a larger longer screw to make the repair.  all is well.
i can see again!

Anyone who wears glasses should always carry a glass fixing kit in the car with them.  if that is impossible make sure you have some twisty ties  in you hand bag, or glove box.  as a matter of fact, the twisty ties work much better and longer than screws to hold glasses together.. so maybe be proactive and take the offending screw out and just use the twisty tie to begin with.  problem solved, and just remember you read it here!

still the last tuesday january 2011

If any of you should ever see me in public, with half circles drawn on my forehead for eyebrows, please, be kind
and put me out of my misery.

Last tuesday in Januray 2011

I walked the dogs at 5 a.m. this morning. it was a balmy 15 degrees.  light snow flurries then.. and at almost 11a.m. still flurrying lightly.  While it  has been a  gray day till now.. the sun has peeked out for a few seconds only to be swallowed up by the clouds again.   would you believe.... we are  in preparation for snow Wednesday into Thursday again!

I had actually planned a few meals this week. We had our fab vegetarian chili  last night. We all really enjoy this made from scratch dish served over corn bread. My plans for this evenings dinner are on hold as The meat eaters will be attending a hockey game in Philly.  Tuesday nights dinner will be just for hubby and i and i am already thinking of a big salad!

House is all picked up, dogs are walked for a second time.  I might as well get out for the few things i need to pick up. a late lunch and then .......who knows?!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Organizing continues....controlling the clutter

Since the end of December, i spent a Friday going through the file cabinets and getting rid of old bills and extra paperwork and have a huge pile for the shredder and recycling.  Everything is filed, and i can actually see the desk!  Now all i have to do is sew 3 buttons on an old flannel shirt and i am set. The computer/sewing area is not large and a little clutter goes a long way to make the area messy.

Next place to reorganize  will be the sewing/ cutting table. just some books to put away and some odd fabric i could not part with... and a few notions that i just had to have... This is how we end up with too much stuff.  It is all fabulous and we certainly could use it some day....but which day will that be??  I will have to come back twice to use up all the sewing stuff i have accumulated!

i  culled the shelves of a few cook books that i rarely look at and added a few more containers to control the overflow.  I actually see an empty space on the shelf! what to move to that place??!

Then there is all the dogie paperwork back here too.   photo's of pups and champions, pedigrees that are just so interesting to me.... all needs to be contained and controlled . binders work well for that if you use them.

long ago a friend and i were sending digital photo's of our spaces to each other. Joellen pronounced my space 'controlled clutter'. hmmmmm...... i am not sure what i think of that....controlled clutter... maybe that is about all i can hope for!

4th saturday in January

 If it is January, organizing and reorganizing is well under way!

I find it interesting that with the buying and giving mania over, the only thing the stores could come up with to keep us spending is to put out plastic containers and convince us to find new ways to store the too much stuff we already have.  So many things to store. So many sizes, shapes and colors to store the too much stuff we all have in.

I remember  a time when cardboard boxes were saved and called into action for storage. Mostly obtained from the state store (liquor store to you non Pa readers).  Cardboard boxes seemed to be at a premium way back when.  When i think about it, i don't remember having  much stuff to store.  Nor was there a place to store it.

Not too long ago, a friend brought her yet to be used collection of fabulous card board boxes over for me to peruse. I myself moved to plastic years ago when it became evident that mice abound in the country and cardboard was a favorite nesting material for both mice and squirrels. Cardboard? cardboard!!  i brought in my own collection of pretty purple plastic boxes with matching lids to show her i did not need any stinking cardboard boxes.

We laughed till we cried.

remember when.......

This is a photo from the central bucks bike club, bike ride out in Bedford, PA
I thought it would be nice to see a little green instead of just the white.

Messiah church from the barn

what a sight

All the dogs are getting a little stir crazy with the intense cold and snow week in and out. The little terrier girls are always obedient and even when having fun outside, come as soon as they are called. Not so with Juliette.

Every day hubby comments on which Juliette he took skiing. the good (obedient) Julie, or the bad, ( running off to parts unknown) Julie.  Friday he had the bad Julie, staying loose in the yard, tail wagging, ears flying, running after the birds.  Definitely not interested in coming in.  She did not stray far, but even the promise of " treats" or dinner could not get her attention.

What a sight though.  Makes the heart glad to watch.  Happy, chocolate colored dog running through the white, light snow.  Ears flying, striking a hunting dog pose, tail going a mile a minute. Doing what she knows how to do, following her nose.  The look...The package. The reason i was interested in the breed to begin with. 

Julie finally came in, had her meal and snoozed for the rest of the day.  I wish she was a little more obedient but in truth she is getting better.  Still, we worry about the highway that animals are often drawn to.

We are definitely getting a fence this summer.

Good Bye Christmas tree.

When I was a young child, growing up in south Philly, my mother said  I always cried  when the Christmas tree was dismantled and placed at the curb.  Of course i don;t remember this, but i do believe my mothers account  to be true.  Why  i would cry, I am not sure but I can imagine i became very attached to the tree, as i see that i am always attached to anything that becomes mine.

Over the years, i  have made it a point to have a Christmas tree every single year and often keep it up till February. With 40 years of married life behind me (when did that happen???) we have had many Christmas trees decorated in many different ways. There were times when even the kids had a small artificial tree in their rooms to enjoy, decorated with their favorite toys:  He-man, GI joe or farm tractors.

Hubby, on the other hand,was never into Christmas trees and  it took of a lot of angst to get him to be involved with a tree for many years.  To Each their own, but in the last dozen years he seems to finally be ok with the idea of getting a fresh tree.

Since the boys were in elementary school, i have always enjoyed the week after New Years day when they return to school, hubby to work and I have the house and tree to myself.  lights on all day and into the wee hours of the morning.... marveling at how the tree looks with lights.. and the very fact that we have a tree inside the house.

 Christmas season 2010 started out with what i wanted to do and when, but once christmas was over and the puppy watch began, the tree took a back seat to life. No additional water, never even lit the tree again after DEC 30th.

For the last week i tried to take it down, but by the time i got to working on it.. I was too tired, or dinner needed to get started. Friday was the perfect day in terms of time and energy.  By evening the tree was no longer inside, but outside in the side yard to be used as a wind break for feeding birds.

Goodbye Christmas tree......till next year.

Friday, January 21, 2011

third friday in january 2011

We had snow again last night into early this morning. Another 4 inches of the white stuff, keeps everything looking clean and ....fluffy. Forecast is for the wind to pick up and judging by the gusts...wow is it windy already.  Several times it looked like a mini blizzard with the light snow blowing horizontally in the strong gusts of wind.  and the sound... a background roar.  Only loud when the wind picks up, but there none the less.

Early this morning before sun up. i was looking our the windows at the trees in stark relief against the white land scape. Night time changes the look of everything. It  is always so eerie looking to me.  So much different than what  day light lends to a view. Almost an alien landscape at night.

How lucky are we to live in such a place with new and different things to look at every day.  A blessing to me for sure.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the devil made me do it!!!

This morning i walked the dogs at 4a.m. I Could not sleep and i do try to get ahead of the day whenever i can. 

After the walk and snack, everyone went back to bed except for Juliette who apparently was full of beans. Before i realized it, she had grabbed a peace of packing material from the box containing the new computer and was running around the house with it. Not much of a problem except that she had snagged the bag containing all the info for the new computer including the cd's with the programs.  For some reason she tore into one cd and put a large hole into it. lots of teeth marks on the packing info too.   Nothing that will cause a problem
and unusual for her to be somewhat destructive.   

Not sure what got into her but after that burst of badness she went back to bed too.

january 19 2011

January has continued to be a crazy month!  

Over the weekend, the computer took a turn for the worst...the infamous 'Blue Screen of Death' appeared after some suspicious noises!   Hubby and i limped along from Saturday to Tuesday on his old computer, just reading  e-mail and making a few replies. 

Andrew, as always, came to the rescue! His business had several Dell computers on order.  When they arrived on Tuesday, He was able to purchase one at cost, a savings for us  i am sure.   New computer arrived tuesday evening. Andrew got it up and running so many of the programs are  working... but alas....so far we cannot get into the old hard drive. You know the one with every blessed piece of our lives recorded for the last 6 years?!

The old hard drive goes to work with him today.   Hopefully there is something he can do, some techie magic to help save our computer lives from the past 6 years.   address books, book marks, photo's, pedigrees, programs hubby uses for newsletter editor of the bike club.....We can survive without it all.  We can rebuild our computer lives, it is not brain surgery... but I HATE having to start all over from the get go.

They say a new broom sweeps clean, but i sort of like the quirks of the old one!

Friday, January 14, 2011

january 14th more on friday.

After another late lunch, i decided to take a break and catch up on mail and maybe do a little magazine reading.  Looking for a sweet treat,  i did something I have rarely  done before.  I took the box of Rochere chocolates and had as many as i wanted, which turned out to be  4.   Sort of the 'eating bonbon's and reading' that our hubbies all think we do day in and out.  I needed the sugar.  It has been a long day of  "in and out",  "up and down". 

I felt quite decedent.
Chocolate sure is good for what ails ya!

still friday the 14th

It has been a long day of keeping busy plus trying to spend time with lily.  I have done wash for days now. first preparing the puppy bedding, then washing up everything used to remove any scent of the dear departed.
Dish washer is run every day and looking for anything else that needs doing, i  decided to clean the oven .

Our old electric stove gave up the ghost in the fall of 2004.  The old stove took two heavy duty stainless steal pasta pots along with it before total retirement.  Arcing through the first pot caused a leak in that pot and shorted out the circuit in the stove.  I wondered where all the water had gone!  New circuit, New pot and a second arcing, thus adding a hole to a brand new replacement pot.  Time for a new stove. 

My mom in law (now deceased) offered to buy me a stove for Christmas. It was a great gift idea.  I did not go for top of the line, bells and whistles, rather for something a little updated from what i had and it had to be white.  I have always had white appliances, and white is finally making a comeback.  I like the lightness white adds to a room.especially a room that is not big.  Self cleaning ovens are new to me...but a real blessing when it needs to be done. This is the 3rd time i am using the self cleaning feature,  remember i got the new stove in December 2004. 6 years old, 3rd cleaning.

Now lest you think i had a visit from the board of health, let me clarify that i don't use the oven much.  I tend to use a toaster oven for the few times a week i need an oven and that is very easy to keep clean.  I can bake a pie, cook a small pork loin or heat up 2 rotisserie chickens. if that is all i am making, why heat up the big oven...thus it stays clean.    I also had a Teflon mat in the bottom of the oven after the first cleaning.  Anything spilled was easy to clean up. Remove the map, wipe clean, replace. best $23 i ever spent, and now they cost less. ($16.00)

I must also admitt that i am totally unable to cook without the microwave. Even thought i tend to make only one thing at a time.. i use the microwave several times for each dinner i make. Rice & beans, veggies, left overs.  Coffee and tea, hot chocolate, heating... reheating....the microwave is used all day every day more than any other cooking appliance.

anyway...3 hours later and the kitchen is toasty warm from the high heat. This was a good day to decide to do this job!

January 14th, a sunny friday

It has been a crazy January from the begining.  Lots of friends and family members have left  us for their final resting place.

I have not had the heart to write as lily lost her puppies.  We are all mourning quietly for the little lives that never got to be. 

Life goes on.  Time to take care of the mourners and think about happier times still to come.

Warm thoughts to everyone.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunny Sunday and Puppy Preping Time

The snow showers are over, and the sun is out. Not quite brilliant blue skies, but getting there.  The wind has picked up and i can hear the wind chimes. The temperatures will only be in the 20's today with wind gusts in the 30's.  It is winter!

It is rather quiet in here. The less noise the easier it will be to hear lily, as the onset of whelping starts with whining, then progresses to a dogie dialog of impending birth.  We are down to the last 3 days before the puppies are due. we are all a little anxious after loosing one.  "Peace and tranquility" i keep saying.  Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and now add more snow expected Tuesday Wednesday.   One day at a time.   Both My sons are available for support, especially the elder.   It is still nerve wracking!

Talking to a friend, i asked "why are we doing this?? it is not fun anymore". She agreed. Not that anything has really changed. I think we are just less likely to enjoy the chaos that goes along with  breeding and whelping.  It has always been a big responsibility that has never been taken lightly, still.....we are getting older.

In the mean time, i have cleaned the bedroom, the bathroom and washed all the needed dogie bedding. Found the room thermometer, the heater, and the whelping box is ready to be put into action. I am  trying to be ready for the next step.  Hoping for a quiet day or two, then fat little puppies, and content mommy dog.  Then i can breath easier too!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Second Saturday of the New Year!

Just the 8th day of the New Year, the second Saturday of January 2011.  We are having a quiet, light gray morning.  Snow flurries for now and snow showers forecast for all day. Winter Weather Advisory, One to 2 inches when all is said and done.   Another day to stay in and enjoy our nest.

I  think about the weather forecasts during the week,  how right or wrong the forecasters were.  I do not recall hearing anything about snow for Saturday earlier in the week.  Friday's snow was just an inch or 2.   Just enough to require light shoveling. Now today... the same storm that somehow split, and is continuing?  More snow along the New Jersey coast or so they say.  It is snowing at a good clip now at near 10 a.m.

This is the first year i did not make a new years resolution. My resolution is usually along the lines of  being a better person and making the most of what i have.  For me that covers everything.  I had toyed with a resolution to sew more often, but i decided i want to enjoy every moment of life and not set myself up to fail. If i sew i sew, and if i don;t ....well i am ok with that. (but i do hope to enjoy more sewing this year anyway.) 

Have i been successful with my resolutions in the past?   i think i am doing ok in the resolution department,
But just how do you measure that?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Four Footed Foodie

Juliette is quite bright for a dog. Hubby and i say she is very much like a 3 year old child. she can do almost anything if the word "TREAT" is used in the sentence.

"go get my shoe". 
she will walk around the dining room table and come back with nothing. But add the treat word...
"get my shoe and I'll give you a treat".. and she will fetch all the shoes she can find, and all the magazines within reach. After each delivery she  will run to the kitchen where the treats are kept.  The longer it takes to retrieve  the matching set, the more frustrated and excited she gets.. and will sometimes chase the cat inbetween looking for the other shoe.

My sister was kind enough to send Christmas treats for the three dogs and 2 cats along with our presents.
I hung the dog bone wreath while I looked at our gifts. Juliette was just so enamored of that wreath. She sat quietly gazed up at it and whined. I  was lucky enough to catch a few Photo's of her taking matters into her own paws.


Strange things continue to happen...

Sunday, January 2nd 2011,  was a strange weather day.  Dark sky's, showers, sun, clouds, .. and a mild day too. a nice break from the intense cold. Nothing planned, but all sorts of inside activities to keep us busy.

The first part of the day was spent on continuing to try and get the new phones to work.  Hubby spent time on the phone talking with 2 different people. The end result was to wait a little while and try the new phone again (we could call out but not receive calls).

Since Hubby decided he had spent enough time on the phone project,  We decided to hang the remainder of the pictures in the bedroom and move the quilt hanger. Hubby collected his tools and i collected mine, mostly  cleaning items.

All of us seemed to be upstairs in our bedrooms doing this or that. collecting laundry, throwing things away, cleaning bedrooms,  even adding to the give away box in the hall.  Nice part was there were ready hands to help with all the little projects going on.

The quilt hanger move was going well, when the electricity went out.  Electric was on in all other parts of the house except for the bedroom & bathroom. The outlet that the computer equipment is plugged into was also out, with a 20 minute battery back up, complaining loudly about the lack of electricity. 

Hubby was near freaking out.  After a section of the dry wall was removed to check for the problem, the wire was found, repaired, and within an hour the wall was patched and 1st coat of Spackle applied.  Both sons came to offer assistance and it made the onerous job much easier to deal with. It was nice to all be on one floor and chatting back and forth while everyone did their own thing.

All the art work is up, and eventually the quilt hanger will be attached to the wall, and hold a nice quilt behind the bed... hopefully  the new patch job will get worked on and finished up too.

Oh and while all this drama was unfolding my phone and hubby's' rang, announcing we were now customers of Verizon, and our new phones were working.    YEAH!!! i have officially entered in the world of texting.

We Finally had our weekly  Pizza for sunday dinner.  The second day of January 2011 was  very productive.

Monday, January 3, 2011

the first day of the new year.. continued

Saturday is our usual Pizza night. 40 years of having pizza on Saturday nights. i think it safe to say we have not missed 12 Saturday pizza nights in all that time.  unfortunately this Saturday, January 1st 2011, all the pizza places  closed at 6 to give employees some time to enjoy a special day (or maybe to recuperate after a night of festivities).

As an alternative, i made Sunday's pasta dinner Saturday night.  i was still feeling the effects of the chaotic morning, not really hungry at all... and it is always good to take advantage of not wanting to eat.

January 1st was the hockey event of the winter.  2 teams play outside, in the open on made  ice which has to deal with the prevailing weather. Pittsburgh and Washington DC played in Pittsburgh to take advantage of the colder weather.   Start time was at 8p.m. to avoid the rain forecast for the day.   I did not watch , but made a taco dip for the son's to enjoy while they watched. Saturday eveing was quiet. just what i needed after the excitement of the earlier part of the day.

The Year is off to an interesting start!

New Years Eve was the usual.  Snacking, watching Dick Clarke's new years eve party, a movie or 2, snoozing on sofa.  At Midnight we went outside to hear the gun fire and fire works provided by the neighbors.  About 2 a.m. the pregnant dog started to bark and carry on.  i took her out for a walk and she immediately started to look for a nesting place. I offered her a snack. made sure she had water and food. Gave her extra bedding in case she felt the need to nest but this barking and whining went on most of the night.

By new years day morning, i was suffering from lack of sleep and worry about what the heck is going on with the dog... she is not due for 2 weeks. After several calls, none of the ''good vets'' were available.  I decided to go to the local emergency vet.  They are very nice, always open for emergency, but there is never a vet on duty that has any incite into a pregnant dogs situation and i always seem to be there with a hysterical pregnant dog.

Once at the vet, lily fell asleep.  I felt like going to sleep too!  All her weirdness was gone. we were there 2 1/2 hours. An x ray showed 4 pups, not quite ready for prime time.  Vet thought maybe she had gastritis and treated her with amoxicilian and something to settle the stomach.  $250 later..... we were home.

Once home, we had a walk.  i put lily in an ex-pen alone with her crate and covered it to make it more den like. The remainder of Saturday passed uneventfully....She slept and except for several walks  i slept the entire day!