Wow, what wild weather tonight. As our once great weather reporter Dave Roberts, (father to Dave Boreallis of Bones, Angel, and buffy the vampire slayers) used to say... ''thunder boomers tonight..'' and booming they are!
Dave Roberts of 6ABC we miss ya... and your thunder boomers. Enjoy retirement.
bucks county
farm field
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
3-23-2011 the day continues, cold rain & sleet
We ended up with way less than an inch of snow .2 inches the weather people said. North of Allentown, those areas on the other side of the lehigh tunnel, got 6 to 8 inches of wet, heavy snow. early spring weather. no surprise.
the storm seems to be continuing overnight. Rain/sleet or snow off and on all night and perhaps ending with more snow (1 to 2 inches.) Thursday morning great way to start the sewing retreat. well once inside, we will be warm and cozy. fabric, food & friends.
here are some onion snow photos.
the storm seems to be continuing overnight. Rain/sleet or snow off and on all night and perhaps ending with more snow (1 to 2 inches.) Thursday morning great way to start the sewing retreat. well once inside, we will be warm and cozy. fabric, food & friends.
here are some onion snow photos.
looking west across the driveway. |
North view of the back yard |
door yard little pond. ( notice the fish) |
bird feeding stump, white throated sparrow checking for seed. |
3-23-2011 Do you hear what i hear?
Juliette wanted a walk, so i accommodated her. Doesn't matter much if it is before or after midnight. she is awake and so am I.
As soon as i opened the kitchen door, i could hear the frozen precipitation htting the ground. Not windy or bitterly cold. Just early spring not warm.
As soon as i opened the kitchen door, i could hear the frozen precipitation htting the ground. Not windy or bitterly cold. Just early spring not warm.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
3-22-2011 begining of spring...
Today is the 3rd day of spring. Snow is expected tomorrow, Wednesday the 23rd. If i had not heard the weather report, i would have guessed that we were expecting snow. It is gray, cold, damp, and quiet. Guess everyone is out getting their milk and bread.
Somehow it always seems it should be warmer once Spring is announced, but spring comes on the heels of winter. It just takes time for everything to warm up.
Somehow it always seems it should be warmer once Spring is announced, but spring comes on the heels of winter. It just takes time for everything to warm up.
Monday, March 21, 2011
march 21, 2011. Onion snow
onion snow
–noun Chiefly Pennsylvania .
a snowfall in late spring; the last snow of the season.
We got .2 of an inch. The snow was here at 5:30a.m. gone at 7a.m. and i mean totally gone!
Overcast today all day, damp & chilly.
Talk of another little storm with snow in a few days.
we have had accumulating sleet in early April several times.
Onion snow ..
on the way....
Hope to get a photo of that complete with onions.
We got .2 of an inch. The snow was here at 5:30a.m. gone at 7a.m. and i mean totally gone!
Overcast today all day, damp & chilly.
Talk of another little storm with snow in a few days.
we have had accumulating sleet in early April several times.
Onion snow ..
on the way....
Hope to get a photo of that complete with onions.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
3-20-2011 The first day of spring
Saturday, March 19, 2011
03-19-2011--still winter but closer to spring
I tend to think of new beginnings this time of year. Waiting for the warmth of longer sunny days, lots of ''new things" to think of. new plants, new pets, new energy.
The bald eagles in the Norfolk botanical gardens have hatched all three eggs. The little bobble heads can be seen off and on during the day. I did see all three eat, not just #1 who seemed to be pecking at #2 and #3. I check in a few times during the day and will keep up with the family till mid summer when they are ready to move on.
I also finally saw the robins i had been hearing. I have to say there are not that many as yet. I hope they were not killed off with the hard winter we had. It is early in the nesting season as the white throated sparrows are still here. The Junco's have left for their nesting destination further north.
Walking around the yard and woods, looking for the early spring flowers, i cannot help but pass by the pet cemetery. All the faithful four footed friends. Ends and beginnings. Time moves on.
Here is Meggie's resting spot. Good dog, Meggie.
The bald eagles in the Norfolk botanical gardens have hatched all three eggs. The little bobble heads can be seen off and on during the day. I did see all three eat, not just #1 who seemed to be pecking at #2 and #3. I check in a few times during the day and will keep up with the family till mid summer when they are ready to move on.
I also finally saw the robins i had been hearing. I have to say there are not that many as yet. I hope they were not killed off with the hard winter we had. It is early in the nesting season as the white throated sparrows are still here. The Junco's have left for their nesting destination further north.
Walking around the yard and woods, looking for the early spring flowers, i cannot help but pass by the pet cemetery. All the faithful four footed friends. Ends and beginnings. Time moves on.
Here is Meggie's resting spot. Good dog, Meggie.
3-19-2011- end of winter.
End Of Winter
There is snow in the clouds but it is yet to fallColdness whips around as its natures call
There are no more sounds of the morning lark
Eeriness hangs about with the mornings start
The seasons are no longer what they used to be
Spring and summer and then the autumn breeze
When winter ventures in everything looks sad
Maybe if there was snow it wouldn’t look as bad
The trees look so dreary without there pretty leaves
Only the rustling sound coming from fur trees
That’s where the birds nestle just to keep warm
This time of year is hail and snow storms
Even the sea takes over with its cruel waves
Becoming more fearless using boats as slaves
The sound of the ebb so fierce and strong
Nothing to conquer nature, it does belong
With a break in the weather the sun shines through
The grass spangles with the morning dew
As everything thaws the birds start to sing
Flowers popping up just reminds us its spring.
Tracey Blight
3-19-2011- St. Joseph's feast day, the last day of winter.
Just about everyone knows St. Patrick's day is the 17th of march. For us ''Catholics", we know that after St. Paddy's day, comes St Joseph's day on the 19th. Funny what we remember and observe from our youth.
Happy St. Joseph's day everyone!
Friday was a taste of spring/summer. The thermometer showed a high of 77 degrees and it was just a wonderful warm day after all the cold and raw days so far. Might have actually been just a little too warm all of a sudden. I was out and about with a friend enjoying the sun and warm breezes. checking out the retreat location, the detoured roads and other local hot spots an old fashioned drive in where you can sit inside for lunch or walk up to a window order, and eat in ypur car, or drive away. Good food but a little too far for every day.
What a beautiful day Friday was for sure.
Today, Saturday, Is the last day of winter. It is back to feeling like late winter in terms of weather too. While super warm on the enclosed front porch (80 degrees when sunny) the temps are hardly hitting 50 degrees outside. Add a cold breeze blowing and partly cloudy....still winter here.
Sunday is the first day of SPRING. The temperatures should reflect end of winter though.
here are a few more photo's of what is blooming or about to bloom here.
Happy St. Joseph's day everyone!
Friday was a taste of spring/summer. The thermometer showed a high of 77 degrees and it was just a wonderful warm day after all the cold and raw days so far. Might have actually been just a little too warm all of a sudden. I was out and about with a friend enjoying the sun and warm breezes. checking out the retreat location, the detoured roads and other local hot spots an old fashioned drive in where you can sit inside for lunch or walk up to a window order, and eat in ypur car, or drive away. Good food but a little too far for every day.
What a beautiful day Friday was for sure.
Today, Saturday, Is the last day of winter. It is back to feeling like late winter in terms of weather too. While super warm on the enclosed front porch (80 degrees when sunny) the temps are hardly hitting 50 degrees outside. Add a cold breeze blowing and partly cloudy....still winter here.
Sunday is the first day of SPRING. The temperatures should reflect end of winter though.
here are a few more photo's of what is blooming or about to bloom here.
last years pansies blooming now. |
Lenten rose, (Heilborn) getting ready to flower. |
Thursday, March 17, 2011
3-17-2011 St. Patrick's day continues,_Bucks_County,_Pennsylvania
Morrisville-The borough is named for Pennsylvania merchant and banker Robert Morris, financier of the American Revolution. His home "Summerseat" still stands in town. The movie Signs included a scene at Burn's Pharmacy, which is located in Morrisville borough. Morrisville is the only town in America to have two signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. (Robert Morris and George Clymer).
Over 40 years ago i attended a tour of historic Morrisville in lower bucks. Then, my aunt Sara lived near there. There was a historic house, with a small front lawn covered with English ivy. Sprinkled throughout the ivy were snowdrops. I had never seen such a charming sight...i was hooked on snowdrops!!!!! some 10 years later, after moving here to upper bucks, i spent many Fall days planting bulbs. Moving from a house city house with a 15ft. by 15ft back yard and now having 3 acres.. was unbelievable to me. One of the first years of the planting frenzy, i bought 100 snowdrop bulbs and painstakingly planted every blessed one along the path that leads from the back yard to the woods, throughout the English ivy, only to have about a dozen come up in the spring. over the years the dozen turned into 12 nice clumps. I enjoyed seeing them multiply even if not how i originally envisioned them to grow. 2 years ago, they disappeared from their original bed only to reappear.... all over the place. one here, 3 there. a nice big clump in the middle of the lawn. no rhyme or reason . There is a huge patch of clumps just over the property line, where the seeds migrated to a sunny bank. It is interesting to see where they pop up. The first flowers of the season, which show their heads in mid February.
Morrisville-The borough is named for Pennsylvania merchant and banker Robert Morris, financier of the American Revolution. His home "Summerseat" still stands in town. The movie Signs included a scene at Burn's Pharmacy, which is located in Morrisville borough. Morrisville is the only town in America to have two signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. (Robert Morris and George Clymer).
Over 40 years ago i attended a tour of historic Morrisville in lower bucks. Then, my aunt Sara lived near there. There was a historic house, with a small front lawn covered with English ivy. Sprinkled throughout the ivy were snowdrops. I had never seen such a charming sight...i was hooked on snowdrops!!!!! some 10 years later, after moving here to upper bucks, i spent many Fall days planting bulbs. Moving from a house city house with a 15ft. by 15ft back yard and now having 3 acres.. was unbelievable to me. One of the first years of the planting frenzy, i bought 100 snowdrop bulbs and painstakingly planted every blessed one along the path that leads from the back yard to the woods, throughout the English ivy, only to have about a dozen come up in the spring. over the years the dozen turned into 12 nice clumps. I enjoyed seeing them multiply even if not how i originally envisioned them to grow. 2 years ago, they disappeared from their original bed only to reappear.... all over the place. one here, 3 there. a nice big clump in the middle of the lawn. no rhyme or reason . There is a huge patch of clumps just over the property line, where the seeds migrated to a sunny bank. It is interesting to see where they pop up. The first flowers of the season, which show their heads in mid February.
3-17-2011 Happy St. Patrick's day!
what a nice day! finally the sun and the temperatures have cooperated to give us an almost 60 degree day. It looks warm and actually was quite pleasant outside!
When i walk the dogs now, i am looking to see what flowers and plants have survived the winter. lots of daffodils on the way up too I took some photo's of the first things to bloom.
The front lawn has a few crocus sprinkled here and there. i don;t think they were planted, but somehow
got transplanted by nature.
my favorite colors too.
When i walk the dogs now, i am looking to see what flowers and plants have survived the winter. lots of daffodils on the way up too I took some photo's of the first things to bloom.
The front lawn has a few crocus sprinkled here and there. i don;t think they were planted, but somehow
got transplanted by nature.
my favorite colors too.
Monday, March 14, 2011
3-14-2011. spring is another day closer
One disappointing things about end of winter, just before spring officially arrives, it looks warm. In reality it is cold and damp out there!
Saturday was mostly cloudy with some breaks of sun. supposed to be in the 50's here.. but never felt like it.
warm in the sun when there was sun, but not so warm during the cloudy parts and a stiff wind (march winds
and April showers bring may flowers) added to the damp chill.
Sunday was another mostly cloudy day. Breezy, cold, damp. Hubby did his shopping and as usual goes by bike. He was cold when he got home. I mentioned to him that it felt like snow! Kept the dogs in and they were happy to be in. just not a friendly warm day.
Monday... another cloudy day.. where are the days of sun they keep talking about? and it is not even 40 degrees at 12;30 (really it would be just 11;30 a few days ago), Call from friend in Hilltown, just about 10 miles away, they had a few hours of snow. It did not coat the ground. Even mid march we get snow anymore.. and often the beginning of April we see an inch of snow or sleet that quickly melts. onion snow. will have to look that up and figure out what exactly that means.
Saturday was mostly cloudy with some breaks of sun. supposed to be in the 50's here.. but never felt like it.
warm in the sun when there was sun, but not so warm during the cloudy parts and a stiff wind (march winds
and April showers bring may flowers) added to the damp chill.
Sunday was another mostly cloudy day. Breezy, cold, damp. Hubby did his shopping and as usual goes by bike. He was cold when he got home. I mentioned to him that it felt like snow! Kept the dogs in and they were happy to be in. just not a friendly warm day.
Monday... another cloudy day.. where are the days of sun they keep talking about? and it is not even 40 degrees at 12;30 (really it would be just 11;30 a few days ago), Call from friend in Hilltown, just about 10 miles away, they had a few hours of snow. It did not coat the ground. Even mid march we get snow anymore.. and often the beginning of April we see an inch of snow or sleet that quickly melts. onion snow. will have to look that up and figure out what exactly that means.
3-14-2011---- 2nd day of day light savings time
I have no problem with the mechanics of daylight savings time. Changing clocks is a breeze anymore. many of the "clocks" automatically update themselves. the Cable boxes. The computer. the cock radio in the bedroom is updated by satellite! Just the microwave and the stove. the clock in the back room which is battery operated... oh and the clock in the car... think i got them all!
Acclimating to the change just happens without much adieu. Day light savings time is early now. March instead of april. spring forward, fall back. We all know the drill. but for the first few days.. i continually calculate what time it was before the time change. I got up at 7.. so it really would be 6 a few days ago. Now it is 12:30.. it still feels like 11;30. does it? Not really but i do this mental calculation for the first few days anyway.
When i was in washing state. we had no jet lag, but continually asked each other... what time is it back in philly.
not sure... why we needed that connection.. but we did. and not sure why i need it now.. but it do!
Acclimating to the change just happens without much adieu. Day light savings time is early now. March instead of april. spring forward, fall back. We all know the drill. but for the first few days.. i continually calculate what time it was before the time change. I got up at 7.. so it really would be 6 a few days ago. Now it is 12:30.. it still feels like 11;30. does it? Not really but i do this mental calculation for the first few days anyway.
When i was in washing state. we had no jet lag, but continually asked each other... what time is it back in philly.
not sure... why we needed that connection.. but we did. and not sure why i need it now.. but it do!
3-14-2011 Spending time with my buttons
Got a post from a quiltie friend asking for large white buttons. how large is large? i had a few over an inch and a half, but if they need many ( costumes for a high school play) this will take forever to collect. . after a few e-mails back and forth, and an alert to other quiltie friends, everything three quarters of an inch and over will be appreciated.
i have many jars of buttons.. and made the white button search the first thing on my ' to do' list for Monday morning. This is a 'for me' thing, as opposed to straightening up the house, loading and unloading the dish washer. I do those things because i like the house tidy, but they are quickly undone and i never feel a sense of accomplishment for long. But spending time with my stuff and my sewing stuff in particular. quality time. Just me and my buttons this morning!
i have many jars of buttons.. and made the white button search the first thing on my ' to do' list for Monday morning. This is a 'for me' thing, as opposed to straightening up the house, loading and unloading the dish washer. I do those things because i like the house tidy, but they are quickly undone and i never feel a sense of accomplishment for long. But spending time with my stuff and my sewing stuff in particular. quality time. Just me and my buttons this morning!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
3-12-2011 a dozen days in march, 2
I bought my self some nice red roses while shopping at the little Giant food market. there was quite the discussion as to where to put the paid sticker. apparently people pick up the flowers as gifts and have a problem removing the "paid" sticker. As the discussion raged on.. i finally interjected that they were for myself, and i did not care where the "paid" sticker was applied. The check out lady and the manager/bagger seemed surprised that i would by flowers for myself. Not sure why this was such a mystery. Who deserves and appreciates them more than I do?
My friend often says that cut flowers are just dying flowers. does not see the necessity of purchasing something already on the way out. I understand this thinking, but for me.. i love flowers. They make my heart sing. Cut flowers have a specific life expectancy, then you can throw them away. low impact on the home and me!
enjoy those inside flowers !
My friend often says that cut flowers are just dying flowers. does not see the necessity of purchasing something already on the way out. I understand this thinking, but for me.. i love flowers. They make my heart sing. Cut flowers have a specific life expectancy, then you can throw them away. low impact on the home and me!
enjoy those inside flowers !
3-12-2011 a dozen days in march
We had over three inches of rain between Thursday night and Friday morning.. lots of small creeks running high. some minor flooding, but generally we weathered the storm and came out dry (the basement that is!). While there is some water sitting on the ground, it is only squishy in a few places. Grass is getting green too.
All sorts of flowers are starting their ascent into the sun light. lots of daffodils on the way up along with lots of branches and twigs in evidence too. Lots of 'picking up' in the near future.
The days are getting longer. This is the weekend to turn the clocks ahead.., spring forward as they say. this is earlier than it has been, usually April, now March. Times they are a changing in more ways than one!
All sorts of flowers are starting their ascent into the sun light. lots of daffodils on the way up along with lots of branches and twigs in evidence too. Lots of 'picking up' in the near future.
The days are getting longer. This is the weekend to turn the clocks ahead.., spring forward as they say. this is earlier than it has been, usually April, now March. Times they are a changing in more ways than one!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March 8, 2011 tuesday still.... early mothers day present
Last week, My younger son was not particularly busy at the dealership where he works as a tech, so took my car in for inspection. it was set for a Wednesday and since i can generally come and go as i please, i had no need of the car that day. He called Wednesday late afternoon and asked if i needed the car Thursday, which i did not. it was not done. seemed unusual but what i did not know at the time, was that he was having the car detailed for me. something i often said i would like as a present instead of them not knowing what to get me.
I was thrilled!!!!
If i had known i would have cleaned out the trash, unloaded the 50 pounds of salt and 30 pounds of dog food, and generally taken out all the crap that tends to collect. sort of like when the cleaning lady comes.. there is a certain amount of pre-cleaning you do so you and your family don;t look like little piggies.
the fellow worked on my car 3 hours. removed all the build up mold spores, buffed up the paint. cleaned the windows, the upholstery, the cup holders !!! when i got into the car.. it had the new car smell. even the tires look new! ok.. so i never had the car detailed since i got in 2003. it is 8 years old and looking good! 47, 000 miles, 3rd year i didn't have to get an emission test too.
during my first trip into town.... it was like the wizard of Oz. everything looked clean and bright. from black and white to color! (did i say that i had not had window cleaning solution all winter, and could hardly see out of the front or back windows?)
well you know how it is... you only think of the car when you are in it.. and once out.. the car ceases to exist.
thank you Ross, for my early mothers day present: clean car and the washer fluid too.
I was thrilled!!!!
If i had known i would have cleaned out the trash, unloaded the 50 pounds of salt and 30 pounds of dog food, and generally taken out all the crap that tends to collect. sort of like when the cleaning lady comes.. there is a certain amount of pre-cleaning you do so you and your family don;t look like little piggies.
the fellow worked on my car 3 hours. removed all the build up mold spores, buffed up the paint. cleaned the windows, the upholstery, the cup holders !!! when i got into the car.. it had the new car smell. even the tires look new! ok.. so i never had the car detailed since i got in 2003. it is 8 years old and looking good! 47, 000 miles, 3rd year i didn't have to get an emission test too.
during my first trip into town.... it was like the wizard of Oz. everything looked clean and bright. from black and white to color! (did i say that i had not had window cleaning solution all winter, and could hardly see out of the front or back windows?)
well you know how it is... you only think of the car when you are in it.. and once out.. the car ceases to exist.
thank you Ross, for my early mothers day present: clean car and the washer fluid too.
march 8 2011, celebrating recycling day!
After a month of dragging the recycling out to the curb (curb? there really is no curb on this highway) and bringing it back in uncollected we have finally hit the correct day for recycling pick up! YEAH!!!
So... What happened you ask?? As of the beginning of February we inadvertently got off the correct 'every other week' pick up schedule. Putting the recycling out, bringing it in, putting it out again and bringing it back in.. and always on the wrong Monday night. how did we get so discombobulated (great word by the way)? how did we choose the wrong Monday night to put recycling out? First.... i stopped writing it on the calendar as the year changed. Since it always rains on recycling night. I think that was our 2nd misconception. it was raining.. we put recycling out.
yes i called, three times, asking if i had the wrong date.. no, correct date (it was not).
I imagine you are wondering why this every day activity made it into print. "collecting recycling in the country". It seems that the closer to the city the more trash and recycling pick ups there are. This township has only about 10,000 people.. We all pick and choose our trash hauler and pay for it privately. the township has a recycling hauler that comes in and is paid for by our taxes.
The recycling schedule is printed in the township newsletter quarterly. Our ''street'' is listed as pick up on Friday. what the schedule does not say is that it is the other side of the highway that is picked up on Friday. Only the other side not our side. our side is picked up 3 or 4 a.m. tuesday morning, in the dark.and it is listed no place! there are at least 20 properties in the township on this side of the highway.. more than the other side.. but we just don't rate.
oh long as i know which Monday.. and they take it.....
HOORAY for recycling!!!!!
So... What happened you ask?? As of the beginning of February we inadvertently got off the correct 'every other week' pick up schedule. Putting the recycling out, bringing it in, putting it out again and bringing it back in.. and always on the wrong Monday night. how did we get so discombobulated (great word by the way)? how did we choose the wrong Monday night to put recycling out? First.... i stopped writing it on the calendar as the year changed. Since it always rains on recycling night. I think that was our 2nd misconception. it was raining.. we put recycling out.
yes i called, three times, asking if i had the wrong date.. no, correct date (it was not).
I imagine you are wondering why this every day activity made it into print. "collecting recycling in the country". It seems that the closer to the city the more trash and recycling pick ups there are. This township has only about 10,000 people.. We all pick and choose our trash hauler and pay for it privately. the township has a recycling hauler that comes in and is paid for by our taxes.
The recycling schedule is printed in the township newsletter quarterly. Our ''street'' is listed as pick up on Friday. what the schedule does not say is that it is the other side of the highway that is picked up on Friday. Only the other side not our side. our side is picked up 3 or 4 a.m. tuesday morning, in the dark.and it is listed no place! there are at least 20 properties in the township on this side of the highway.. more than the other side.. but we just don't rate.
oh long as i know which Monday.. and they take it.....
HOORAY for recycling!!!!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
3-2-2011 the day continues
this is the eagle cam in Virginia. 3 eggs in the nest, and parents incubating.
keep the link and visit. boring some times but fascinating too.
keep the link and visit. boring some times but fascinating too.
3-2-2011 It's a beautiful day!
The sun is shinning, the sky is blue and white. A wonderful day to take walks and see what is peeking out of the ground after the cold and snow. The snow drops are blooming. Many of the Pansies planted in the fall are looking as if they not only survived, but are coming back to life. Must be the sunny sheltered place by the side of the garage. A great location for them.
This is such a charming site... i decided to post it today.
hope you enjoy it!
This is such a charming site... i decided to post it today.
hope you enjoy it!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
march 1st 2011.... Hello March!
The Month Of March
How pleasant is this place! E'en in this monthOf winds I love my home. The sky is cold
And clear. Behind the house the north wind raves;
In front, the sun emits his slanting beams.
Without a trough the melted snows to guide,
The roof lets fall a thousand pattering drops.
Passing we dodge. At yester-noon fell thick
A flaky shower, and mantled o'er the face
Of Nature that had smil'd. Earth, like a bride,
Frigid as chastity, flaunts in white robes;
But, having the dissolving touch of spring
Felt, she will soon his mild embrace enjoy.
Beneath her snowy vestments, ruthless frost
No longer binds the life-sustaining glebe,
Intent to burst its vegetative powers.
To guard the fruit trees from the nibbling flocks,
The heedful husbandman his fence repairs,
And timely prunes his thrifty orchard. Earth,
Of quick-dissolving snows, now drinks her fill.
Man's ardent bosom, now elate with hopes
Of seed-time, gathers sympathetic life
And vigour. Vegetation works unseen.
The sun grows vertical; less fierce the winds.
Aries holds light and darkness equipois'd.
In yonder mead, along the hillock's base,
From northern blasts defended, or beside
Some tepid spring e'en now my fancy paints
The vivid green grass. From the dripping bogs
Fleecy white vapours rise; and, freed from ice,
The limpid rill, rejoicing in its course,
Meand'ring, sweetly gurgles as it falls.
The fascinating verdure of the fields,
The gentle rustling of the trees, new-leav'd,
The jocund warblings of the birds are near.
Invigorated by that mystic power,
Which, from the seed and root propels the blade,
And ear, and grain, all nature soon will smile.
So by that wonder-working power inspir'd,
Man shall arise again, and live renew'd.
Thomas Odiorne
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