it was 5 p.m. Too early to start dinner, so I walked the dogs. Afterwards, I spent a few minutes combing the picker stickers out of their
ears and coats. It was 5:40, still early. I decided to give everyone a snack and
contemplate dinner. On the way back to house I noticed some weeds that
could easily be pulled in the back yard, so I pulled them.
(walk, comb out picker sticker, snack, weed pulling)
I took pulled weeds, a
good armful, to the compost pile. on the way home I came across a basket to use
for future weed pulling. Picked it up and continued home to start dinner...On
the way....I noted the same easy weeds on the opposite side of the dog
yard..filled the basket to overflowing and walked back to the compost pile and
dumped the basket. This time on the way back home I stopped to checked out
some odd weed with big pink flowers..Mallow? (will try for a photo mid week.)
looked at the tomatoes and cantaloupe in the veggie garden , and pulled a few
more easy weeds again. (Yes and back to the compost pile.)
now I am home.. lost the bag of rice I was going to use, found it...and it
is now 7:40..... 7:40!!!
just 10 minutes to cook rice, but it is now at 8:10. I have the beginning
of dinner, garlic butter rice.... and nothing else.
.-walk, comb out picker sticker, snack, weed pulling 3 times, three trips
to the compost pile. wool gathering (daydreaming) at the garden. finally at 8:10 dinner is started. notice I
say started.... not finished. this is why I never have dinner ready at a
decent time. just too many distractions in life.